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The Clear Choice Sub-Solution brings a whole new level of simplicity and security to using synthetic urine. Like most synthetic urine options on the market, the Sub-Solution comes with a vial of ingredients you can mix with water to create a solution that will pass any urine test. But, what really puts this product in a league of it’s own is that it also comes with a mix-in heat activator that brings the solution to the perfect temperature within seconds. You never know when you’re going to need to bust out your sample, and constantly keeping your synthetic urine at the right temperature can be a hassle. So, say goodbye to microwaves and strap-on hand warmers - with the Sub-Solution, your sample will be ready to go whenever you need it.
Most synthetic urine products require an external heat source to keep them warm. After all, it wouldn’t be very convincing if you whipped out a sample of cold pee. Typically, people use a microwave to heat up their sample and then strap hand warmers to the bottle to keep it close to body temperature (98-102 degrees). But, what if you don’t have time to track down a microwave? Are you really going to carry around a bag of hand warmers all week? That’s where the mix-in heat activator comes in handy. It brings your sample up to body temperature in just a few seconds, making sure you’re ready to go whenever you need to flow.
Sub-Solution comes with a vial of synthetic urine mixture and the mix-in heat activator. And, it also comes with a 3oz mixing container with a temperature strip so you can make sure your sample is perfect and ready to go before you use it. The heat activator is also undetectable so, if you need to reheat your sample, simply mix in a bit more to bring it to the right temperature.
If you’re planning on using synthetic options to pass a urine test, you should know that not all products are created equalThe Clear Choice Sub-Solution contains all the ingredients found in natural urine and has the perfect balance of pH, specific gravity, and creatinine. It’s identical to human urine so it can pass any urine test, completely undetected. Think of it as clean urine generated in a lab, rather than the human body so it doesn’t contain any of the harmful toxins or bacteria that normal human urine does. The Sub-Solution is truly the Clear Choice if you’re looking for a hassle-free synthetic urine experience.
Buy three and get one free by checking out the Sub-Solution Urine Value Pack!
Sub Solution Urine Benefits:
1. Pour clean lukewarm water into the plastic mixing container (bottled or tap water will do) up to the tallest measurement line on the mixing container. (Just below the neck)
For best results, the water should be anywhere between 65°F to 70°F.
DISCLAIMER: Do not open the synthetic urine or heat activator vial before their time of use. Opening those products from their vials and exposing them to open air will greatly diminish their quality, lowering the overall success rate of your test.
2. Open the synthetic urine sample from its vial, and gently pour the contents into the water. Screw the lid on top of the plastic mixing container and gently shake it until the synthetic urine powder completely dissolves in the water. NOTE: Once the mixture has been completed, it is ready to be used or up to 6 hours.
3. Extract the heat activator solution from its vial and gently pour the contents. Make sure to tap the container lightly in order to break down any large granules in order for it to be as effective as possible.
DISCLAIMER: The amount of heat activator solution needed depends on the temperature of the urine sample:
- If your sample’s temperature is below 88°F, add about a third of the heat activator.
- If it’s somewhere between 88°F and 92°F, use about a fourth of the heat activator.
- If your sample’s temperature is considerably low, use up to half of the heat activator.
- Overheating the sample by applying too much heat activator should be handled by placing the mixing container onto a cold surface, and allowing the temperature to cool down to an optimal level of 98° F to 102° F. (Indicated green on the temperature measuring strip)
After pouring the desired amount of heat activator, gently shake the container for about 30 seconds in order to maximize its heating effect.
4. Your sample is now ready.